Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Window Light Portraits


Me in my studio with my (pretend) window light


Ah, natural light. How awesome is it not to need any lighting equipment and just to use the biggest light source in the world — the sky — modified by the most ubiquitous modifiers around — windows. I have always been so jealous of photographers whose studios have perfect sized and shaped windows in just the right places. So, finally, I just knocked out a wall.

Just kidding. I did not do that. I used lighting like I always do to create the look I wanted. No hoping it’s a bright day. No limiting shoots to daylight hours. No limiting the background to what’s actually behind/beside the window. I can put my “window” wherever I want.

That’s pretty much all I have to say about window light in my studio. Or anywhere else I might be shooting.

The set for the portrait above.


Yes, this is possibly my shortest blog post ever. Now that you're here maybe you'd like to peruse my archive! Or, reach out and let me know what you'd like me to write about next. What do you want to know about working with a professional photographer, planning your next shoot, or...? Let me know! I'm here to help.

